With Joe

Financial Freedom, One House at a Time

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How the old ways can keep you alive

How the old ways can keep you alive

How the old ways can keep you alive   We had something scary happen this week that caused me to use CPR for the very first time in my life. And I had to use it on my two-year old. We were having a lazy Sunday. After a late breakfast we decided to lounge about and watch a movie with the kids and pop popcorn. It was pretty cold outside and this felt like a great way to spend some family time....

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Land lording

Full throttle

Full throttle

Full throttle   It is about to get busy around here. Normally, the rental side of our investing business is what you call semi-passive income. The reason it is “semi-passive” is two-fold. One is because each month there is some “work” associated with processing...

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Tenants to my rescue

Tenants to my rescue

Tenants to my rescue   I’m sure you have heard horror stories about terrible tenants. I know I have. As a matter of fact, I have bought more than one house from tired landlords who were actually afraid of their tenants. Can you imagine that? The landlord — you...

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July 1st landlord tenant law changes

July 1st landlord tenant law changes

July 1st landlord tenant law changes   A new law went into effect on July 1st of this year named the Safe at Home Act. If you want to look it up, it is House Bill 404 and it has brought about some changes you need to know about as a landlord, especially when it...

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Mobile Homes

Trailer differences

Trailer differences

Trailer differences   I’ve had a lot of calls this week about mobile homes. Mostly, the conversations centered around the differences between trailers and stick-built homes in rehabs. So, I’d like to highlight a few of the major differences you need to be aware...

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Why you need a bill of sale at closing

Why you need a bill of sale at closing

Why you need a bill of sale at closing   We recently bought a land home deal, which is a mobile home being sold with land. We call it a land home deal because you can buy just the trailer and not the land. This takes place in a mobile community or somewhere else...

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Do it wrong, do it long

Do it wrong, do it long

Do it wrong, do it long   When I was in middle and high school, I was on the football team. Notice how I intentionally phrased that statement. Let me explain.   When I was in middle school, we lived in a little town in Madison County called Hull on the...

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Real Estate Investing

What is 2025 going to look like?

What is 2025 going to look like?

What is 2025 going to look like?   Let me start this column off by saying “Happy New Year!” as well as expressing some sincere appreciation. Today marks the completion of the eighth year of me writing weekly to you and is the 415th column I’ve had the privilege...

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Today you are an investor

Today you are an investor

Today you are an investor I recently participated in the Chattanooga Waterfront Triathlon. I love this event. It’s put on by Team Magic, a company that organizes/ sponsors runs and multisport events across the southeast. And they do an amazing job.   The...

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Note well the state of your flocks

Note well the state of your flocks

Note well the state of your flocks   Have you ever read the book of Proverbs in the Bible? If not, check it out sometime. It was written by King Solomon who was called the wisest man who ever lived. He led Israel to become one of the most prosperous nations on...

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In-home interviews are powerful

In-home interviews are powerful

In-home interviews are powerful   Paper applications can tell you a lot about a rental applicant. But landlording is a people business. And just using an application falls short on giving you a total picture of what kind of person your applicants is. Check out...

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