Cash Flow With Joe



Finding good tenants

Finding good tenants

Finding good tenants   I was at a lunch meetup this week where one of my friends was telling me about how they are moving away from the Padsplit company and going to self-manage instead. And the biggest reason for that has to do with the tenant selection process Padsplit uses. If you are not familiar with Padsplit, it is a novel idea. Instead of renting an entire house to one family, the...

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Substance over form

Substance over form

Substance over form   I had an interesting case come across my desk this week that had to do with a lease option going bad. At first, I typed “gone bad,” but the situation has not fully resolved, so I changed it. But it’s a great illustration of what not to do as an investor and I thought I would tell you about it so you don’t make the same mistakes. Lease options have become a popular exit...

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Participation lenders

Participation lenders

Participation lenders     When you think of private money lenders, you typically think of either short-term lenders, or long-term lenders. Short-term lenders are the ones you use on quick moving deals like fix and flips and wholetail deals. And if you are not familiar with a wholetail deal, that’s a melding of the words wholesale and retail. What you do in this scenario is buy the...

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The right way to borrow private money

The right way to borrow private money

The right way to borrow private money   This week I have had calls from multiple private lenders telling me horror stories about investors that had borrowed their money and did not make good on the loans. To me that’s crazy! And I want to explain today what private money lenders are, and the right way you should borrow from them. In most cases, a private lender is a person who is using...

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Soaking wet with three-day old pants

Soaking wet with three-day old pants

Soaking wet with three-day old pants   I am soaking wet and quite a bit dirty right now. And if truth be told, I have had the same pair of pants on for three days straight. Now that may seem a bit odd, but let me explain. On Tuesday afternoon I got a call from a tenant. She was a little frantic because when she went to go make the baby a bottle, she noticed there was no water pressure on...

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