The best deal you’ll ever do About this time two years ago I wrote to you about a house that I was trying to buy for Ashley in a column titled “Don’t get emotional when making offers.” That was the one where I did get emotional and offered the seller double what he was asking for it… you read that right. The reason I got emotional was because it seemed like it was the house of Ashley’s...
creative deal structure
Substance over form
Substance over form I had an interesting case come across my desk this week that had to do with a lease option going bad. At first, I typed “gone bad,” but the situation has not fully resolved, so I changed it. But it’s a great illustration of what not to do as an investor and I thought I would tell you about it so you don’t make the same mistakes. Lease options have become a popular exit...
Why using a lease option is a good idea
Why using a lease option is a good idea I am starting to feel old ya’ll, and it’s not because I’m about to be 41 years old. Granted, I am in a strange age spot. I often make song, show, and movie references from my childhood that the people a little older than I am may or may not get, but the people younger than I am often have no idea to what I am referring. As a matter of fact, it’s a...
Did I mess up?
Did I mess up? “I don’t believe this is going to work.” That is what the soil analysis guy, named Doug, told me as we were trapesing through the property we just purchased. And as we walked back, all I could think was, “Did I mess up?” That’s a sinking feeling. This house was one I’ve told you about in the past. It was the house that had a title flaw on it and in order to get rid...
Can you wrap your head around this strategy
Can you wrap your head around this strategy? Buying and holding good cash flowing rental properties long term is the goal when it comes to real estate investing. But is owning a property as a rental the only way to produce a good cashflow? If you don’t know the answer, that’s okay, because today we’re going to talk about a strategy that allows you to have passive income without the joys...