Cash Flow With Joe



Comparison can kill your goals

Comparison can kill your goals

Comparison can kill your goals   How did you celebrate the New Year? I got together with 28 friends in Calhoun and just let it all out. And you know, you kind of keep track of what everyone is doing when you are at one of those types of get togethers. I saw some people who thought three was enough. I saw others who had a six-pack. And then there were those few with a high tolerance that had...

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Financial Freedom of Religion

Financial Freedom of Religion

Financial Freedom of Religion   We just got back from The Feast of Tabernacles. And if you aren’t familiar with what that is, it’s a biblical holiday where Yahweh commands the children of Israel to dwell in tents for 7 days to remind them of the time they spent in the wilderness. (If you want to check it out in the scriptures, you can find this in Leviticus 23:33-44.) In other words, each...

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Camp Yahweh

Camp Yahweh

Camp Yahweh   Did you know that there is a ton about real estate, and even real estate investing, written in the Bible? There sure is. For instance: The oldest recorded deed that I’m aware of is found in the Bible. Now I wrote to you about this a long time ago. As a matter of fact, it was in 2016. So just to remind you, the column was titled “The oldest recorded deed” and it was based on...

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Working with your hands pays

Working with your hands pays

Are you handy? Do you have construction skills? If you do, that’s great. But just because you do, does that mean you should work on your rentals yourself? For me, the answer to that question is ‘yes’ … most of the time. Now that may come to you as a shock, especially since I just wrote you last month in a column titled “Should you do it yourself” where I left you with the conclusion that it’s...

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The best way to maintain your assets

The best way to maintain your assets

The best way to maintain your assets   Let me ask you a question. Is a rental house an asset, or a liability?   I ask this question a lot and most of the time people say a rental house is an asset. When I ask them why, they kind of shrug and say that they just assume that it is. Well, for us to decide one way or the other, we need to know the difference between an asset and a...

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