Cash Flow With Joe

success strategies


How the old ways can keep you alive

How the old ways can keep you alive

How the old ways can keep you alive   We had something scary happen this week that caused me to use CPR for the very first time in my life. And I had to use it on my two-year old. We were having a lazy Sunday. After a late breakfast we decided to lounge about and watch a movie with the kids and pop popcorn. It was pretty cold outside and this felt like a great way to spend some family time....

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What is 2025 going to look like?

What is 2025 going to look like?

What is 2025 going to look like?   Let me start this column off by saying “Happy New Year!” as well as expressing some sincere appreciation. Today marks the completion of the eighth year of me writing weekly to you and is the 415th column I’ve had the privilege of having published. That is a long time and a lot of columns. And without you being my readers, without your feedback and...

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Full throttle

Full throttle

Full throttle   It is about to get busy around here. Normally, the rental side of our investing business is what you call semi-passive income. The reason it is “semi-passive” is two-fold. One is because each month there is some “work” associated with processing payments, updating books and sending out demand letters for late payments. I put work in italics because most of this can be...

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Today you are an investor

Today you are an investor

Today you are an investor I recently participated in the Chattanooga Waterfront Triathlon. I love this event. It’s put on by Team Magic, a company that organizes/ sponsors runs and multisport events across the southeast. And they do an amazing job.   The waterfront triathlon is a larger event with close to 1,000 athletes showing up to swim, bike and run, in that order, one of two distances....

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What does the seller need?

What does the seller need?

What does the seller need?   This week I saw a couple of good questions asked about how to get deals done. One was with a subject-to deal and the other was a preforeclosure. Today I would like to go over them and talk about the most common mistake that beginner investors make when talking to sellers. The first question was about a subject-to deal. And as a reminder, that’s a deal where you...

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