Cash Flow With Joe



It doesn’t float uphill

It doesn’t float uphill

It doesn’t float uphill   Yesterday was a busy day for me, and it was not things that were planned. That can be either a good thing or bad thing depending on the circumstances. Mine was a combination of the two. Let me tell you about it. We just filled a nice two-bedroom one bath mobile home last week, which made for a busy week as well. The reason for that was we needed to get all the...

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Substance over form

Substance over form

Substance over form   I had an interesting case come across my desk this week that had to do with a lease option going bad. At first, I typed “gone bad,” but the situation has not fully resolved, so I changed it. But it’s a great illustration of what not to do as an investor and I thought I would tell you about it so you don’t make the same mistakes. Lease options have become a popular exit...

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Soaking wet with three-day old pants

Soaking wet with three-day old pants

Soaking wet with three-day old pants   I am soaking wet and quite a bit dirty right now. And if truth be told, I have had the same pair of pants on for three days straight. Now that may seem a bit odd, but let me explain. On Tuesday afternoon I got a call from a tenant. She was a little frantic because when she went to go make the baby a bottle, she noticed there was no water pressure on...

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Why using a lease option is a good idea

Why using a lease option is a good idea

Why using a lease option is a good idea   I am starting to feel old ya’ll, and it’s not because I’m about to be 41 years old. Granted, I am in a strange age spot. I often make song, show, and movie references from my childhood that the people a little older than I am may or may not get, but the people younger than I am often have no idea to what I am referring. As a matter of fact, it’s a...

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Tracking your rentals

Tracking your rentals

Tracking your rentals   This week we have been neck-deep in QuickBooks working on our numbers in our rental company. The reason for this is we are doing a deep dive on our rentals to see how they’re preforming and also updating our actual metrics from 2023 to better forecast what we need to do for 2024. Now, if you are unfamiliar with the word “metrics” as it applies to rentals, all that...

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