Cash Flow With Joe



Choosing the right agent

Choosing the right agent

Choosing the right agent   Choosing the right real estate agent is something that’s important when buying — and especially when selling — real estate. This is because agents aren’t one-size-fits-all for every deal. And finding out what an agent is good at, and where they are located will help you determine whether or not you should hire them.   Let me explain.     Not all...

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What does a day look like?

What does a day look like?

What does a day look like?   I’m often asked what a typical day looks like for a full-time investor. This is a hard thing to answer because any given day can be different. But to give you some insight as to the possibilities, let me tell you about yesterday.   I woke up at 4:30 a.m. (that’s not a typo.) The reason I get up so early is so I can get woken up enough to be at Calhoun Spine...

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Multiple Offers

Multiple Offers

Multiple Offers   How many of you would love to get multiple offers on one of your flip properties? Normally I would too because that means better offers when buyers are competing over you. But we have had multiple offers on a great house up in Whitfield County that — well, let me just tell you about the situation.   First off, when I say this is a great house, I really mean it. It’s a...

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Lease option vs. lease purchase

Lease option vs. lease purchase

Lease option vs. lease purchase   I got a call from an investor recently needing some help with structuring a deal. He was in the process of buying a property and wanted to do “one of those lease option, lease purchase things” as his exit strategy.   As we talked, I realized just how easy it is to get those two terms confused and how freely people use them synonymously. To be clear, a...

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Examining you offers

Examining you offers

  We bought a little three-bedroom mill house recently, that we had intended to keep. The problem was that we got so busy working on other projects that the house sat for a while. We kept rationalizing that since we got it at such a good deal, it was OK for it to sit. But after two months, we could see that it was costing us money just sitting there, and we decided to sale it to an investor...

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