Cash Flow With Joe

creative deal structure


Paperwork is a memorial

Paperwork is a memorial

Paperwork is a memorial   Peter Fortunato, one of the greatest real estate creative deal structures I know, always says that your paperwork is a memorial of the meeting of the minds. What he means by that statement is that when you make a deal with someone, you are both making a set of promises. And your contracts, notes, leases and other paperwork are meant to memorialize what the two of...

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Real estate investors make people cry

Real estate investors make people cry

Real estate investors make people cry   I sometimes hear people talking about real estate investors in a poor way. They will refer to us as vultures circling around. (I guess they see us as waiting for people’s homes to die so we can swoop in and greedily make massive profits off others’ misery)   And just like with any profession, there are some investors out there who care more about...

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Is a master lease a good strategy?

Is a master lease a good strategy?

Is a master lease a good strategy?   The very first rental property Ashley and I ever managed was a little three-bedroom, two-bath house on Kids Drive up in Dalton. At the time, we lived in Villanow, and Dalton was a place we frequented. It was also a place that we did a lot of door knocking trying to find deals, which is how we found the house on Kids Drive.   When we came across the...

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Don’t get emotional when making an offer

Don’t get emotional when making an offer

Don’t get emotional when making an offer   If you read the title of this column, you probably already gathered that you shouldn’t get emotional when making an offer. And that’s true — when you get emotional, you tend to make a bad deal.     I’ve seen this concept play out in many ways. A newer investor will overbid on property. And since they’re excited about doing their first —...

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Structuring deals

Structuring deals

Structuring deals   Learning how to creatively structure deals is something that has been essential for my and Ashley’s success in real estate investing. The main reason for that fact is that we didn’t have access to funds when we started. So, we had to figure out how to buy houses with very little cash and without going to a bank. And that skill has allowed us to make some profitable deals...

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