With Joe

Financial Freedom, One House at a Time

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In the zone — but not the right zone

In the zone — but not the right zone

In the zone — but not the right zone   You can’t trust government websites. Ask me how I know. Better yet, I’ll just tell you. We’re currently working on a project that has a house sitting on 4.5 acres in a nice country setting. That sounds quaint, doesn’t it? It’s a good area and will make someone a great home. But something we realized is that the extra acreage does not increase the value...

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Land lording

Why landlords need good tenants

Why landlords need good tenants

  I’m a firm believer in the idea that rental property is an essential part of attaining financial freedom. It’s different from any other capital asset you can purchase. I mean think about it: for what other asset can you get a loan for the purchase price? I’m...

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The key to getting great tenants

The key to getting great tenants

I did something a little gutsy this week. I decided to do a Facebook live video were I walked the viewers through a house we had just gotten back from some vacating tenants. What made this move gutsy was the fact that I had no idea what the condition of the property...

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Mobile Homes

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Real Estate Investing

Atypical Day

Atypical Day

Atypical Day   I’m often asked what my typical day looks like as a real estate investor. And I am often at a loss on how to answer that question because, well… let me tell you about a recent day.   I started out at 5:30 a.m. at Calhoun Spine and Wellness...

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Don’t kill the golden goose

Don’t kill the golden goose

Don’t kill the golden goose   I was talking with an investor the other day who had just received some really great news. His portfolio of rental properties had an equity value of over $1 million. I asked him how he found this out, and he told me he’d been working...

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Business and babies

Business and babies

Business and babies   I’m running on fumes this morning. That’s to be expected with a newborn, but the last couple of days have been exhausting, especially for Ashley.   Last night we got the baby down for the night at 11:30 p.m. by swaddling him on my...

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