Cash Flow With Joe

Month: September 2021


Should you go to a REIA?

Should you go to a REIA?

Should you go to a REIA?   When Ashley and I got started in on our real estate investing journey we had no idea where to go or who to turn to for education — or guidance in general, for that matter. The first course we took was on creative financing. We overpaid, maxing out our credit cards to get the $12,500 class with a big-name investing education company.   That $12,500 at a 28%...

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Passive income equals freedom

Passive income equals freedom

Passive income equals freedom   I was sitting on a plane recently getting ready to take the longest flight I have ever been on. It was from Atlanta to Portland, and it was going to take 5 1/2 hours. And I was wondering what I was going to do with myself for that long.   When I boarded the plane, I was a little taken aback. It was huge. A Boeing 767 looks like one of the plans you see...

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I do not envy flippers

I do not envy flippers

I do not envy flippers   I was told the same thing twice this week by two different financial advisors of mine. They both said, and I quote: “I do not envy flippers.”   The first instance happened on a weekly call I have with a company called Simple CFO. Simple CFO is a team of accountants with specialized knowledge about the real estate investing world, and they integrate a program...

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A true servant’s heart

A true servant’s heart

A true servant’s heart   We have a list of five core values that define who we are as a company. These values are something that everyone in our company must share. We literally hire and fire based off of these core values. And I will share them with you. In order, they are: We have a servant’s heart. We always do the right thing. We are driven to succeed. We are hard working. And we are...

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