Cash Flow With Joe

women investors


Pistols and pit bulls

Pistols and pit bulls

Pistols and pit bulls   Ashley and I were presenting at a Real Estate Investor Association (REIA) recently, where the topic was talking to sellers. During the presentation, we made mention that Ashley goes door knocking without me. This led to the normal safety questions from the crowd, which almost always includes, “Aren’t you afraid someone is going to pull a gun on you?” That night, that...

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It’s a family business

It’s a family business

It’s a family business   I’ve got something on my heart that I really want to talk to you about. It has to do with a statistic I heard at a recent seminar. I heard that real estate investors, and entrepreneurs in general, get divorced from their spouses at a rate of 35%.   That means at least one out of every three people I see at a seminar is having major difficulty in their marriage....

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The Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs 31 Woman

In chapter 31 of the book of Proverbs, Solomon’s mother tells him what to look for in a woman. This is fascinating because the Bible is often written from a man’s point of view. Here we have a woman giving her perspective as to what a woman should be.   Girls all over have clung to these verses looking to them as a guide stone for what a “real” and successful woman should be. Let’s take a...

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Women make Great Investors

Women make Great Investors

Women make some of the best real estate investors. Why? Because they are smart, beautiful and TOUGH! Want proof? Here is a video of Ashley. She closed a short sale and fielded calls in the hospital all while being 8 cm dilated with our first born. I would like to see a man come anywhere close to that!

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