“The Ranger Regiment is the U.S. Army’s premier large-scale special operations force, and is made up of some of the most elite Soldiers in the world,” according to goarmy.com.
For the past two and half years, I’ve had the pleasure of having a Ranger work for me. His name is Miles McGuire and he’s currently my project manager.
During our time together, Miles has told me stories about the Ranger Battalion and what it was like being overseas.
One of his stories was about what it takes to become a Ranger.
This process is called the Ranger Indoctrination Program, or RIP for short. And yes, the acronym fits.
Miles said his RIP was 3 weeks of mental and physical hell. Out of 154 applicants, only 36 soldiers were deemed worthy to make the cut. The reason for this is the Rangers want to push your body and mind to their breaking points so that you’ll learn to adapt and never become a liability to your team or mission in combat.
In order to graduate RIP, you have to accomplish four tasks in the last week of the program. The first task is a 20-mile ruck march — a ruck, or ruck sack, is the 50- pound backpack a Ranger is expected to carry when deployed. Marching 20 miles with all that added weight, plus body armor, is no small task.
Next, a Ranger must complete two night jumps. That means jumping out of an airplane in the middle of the night, landing and then negotiating whatever mission has been contrived for him to get home.
Finally comes what Miles called the “Ranger Run.” This is a 5-mile run that must be completed in 30 minutes or less. After all the physical exertion of the week, running five- 6-minute miles is insane. But in order to graduate, it’s the giant must be slayed.
Miles told me something interesting about his last week. On the 20-mile march, he stepped in a pothole, fell and literally rolled down into a ditch. He hopped up and hustled to get back into formation. The pain was immediate, and excruciating.
Back in the barracks, Miles pulled off his boot to reveal a bruise from his big toe all the way to his calf. And he still had two night jumps and the Ranger Run left to go.
I asked Miles what went through his mind and what he did. You see, you don’t get a do-over in RIP.
Miles said he had come too far to quit, so he adapted — he duct taped his foot and ankle into place, took some pain meds and went back to work.
He completed both the night jumps and the grueling Ranger Run with a bum ankle. Can you say “Army Strong?”
I’ve worked with a lot of guys over the years, and I’ve preached real estate to all of them. Most of them, however, have never attempted to make a career in it.
Miles is one of the exceptions.
Now, just like when he was a soldier, he’s getting ready to rotate out. He’s leaving the position of project manager at our company and beginning his new — and might I add self-appointed — position as a Realtor with Coldwell Banker after obtaining his real estate license this past winter.
I’m so proud of him for taking this leap. As you can tell from his RIP story, Miles devotes himself to what he’s doing in a way that ensures his success. I have no doubt that he’ll be a force to be reckoned with and a top-producing agent very soon.
Miles plans on dominating Whitfield County. He lives in Adairsville, so also he knows both Bartow County and Gordon County very well. If you want an agent with a background in house renovations, as well as the dedication and sheer tenacity of an Army Ranger negotiating for you on your next real estate transaction, I suggest you give him a call. 404-824-6884.
Joe and Ashley English buy houses and mobile homes in Northwest Georgia. For more information or to ask a question, go to www.cashflowwithjoe.com or call Joe at 678-986-6813.