Cash Flow With Joe

lease options


Substance over form

Substance over form

Substance over form   I had an interesting case come across my desk this week that had to do with a lease option going bad. At first, I typed “gone bad,” but the situation has not fully resolved, so I changed it. But it’s a great illustration of what not to do as an investor and I thought I would tell you about it so you don’t make the same mistakes. Lease options have become a popular exit...

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Why using a lease option is a good idea

Why using a lease option is a good idea

Why using a lease option is a good idea   I am starting to feel old ya’ll, and it’s not because I’m about to be 41 years old. Granted, I am in a strange age spot. I often make song, show, and movie references from my childhood that the people a little older than I am may or may not get, but the people younger than I am often have no idea to what I am referring. As a matter of fact, it’s a...

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Structuring deals

Structuring deals

Structuring deals   Learning how to creatively structure deals is something that has been essential for my and Ashley’s success in real estate investing. The main reason for that fact is that we didn’t have access to funds when we started. So, we had to figure out how to buy houses with very little cash and without going to a bank. And that skill has allowed us to make some profitable deals...

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