Cash Flow With Joe

Month: January 2016


Why Choose Real Estate?

Why Choose Real Estate?

It’s that time of year again. You’re evaluating last year’s goals, setting new ones and planning for the future. New Years means a new beginning.   Before you get too involved in the goals themselves, have you asked yourself why you are setting them?   “That is easy Joey… I am going to loose weight so I can be in better shape.”   I am all about this kind of goal. But to me,...

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What is the difference between an asset and a liability. It is simple. Assets put money in your pocket. Liabilities take money out of your pocket. Are houses assets or liabilities? The answer is they can be both. Here is an example of the same house being an asset to one person, but a liability to another.    

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How to pick a good agent.

How to pick a good agent.

A good friend of mine called me up about selling his house. He is a fireman down in Canton. In 2012, they bought a fixer-upper in a great subdivision at below market value. A perk of being a fireman is that you work 24 hours. Joey wait, working 24 hours is a perk? It is when you get the next 48 hours off. So my buddy Britt does what most fireman do, he works a side job. He is a contractor and a...

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